Written and directed by Canadian filmmaker Vincent René-Lortie, the Oscar-nominated drama Invincible tells the story of Marc, a young man in (what is known in the UK as) a young offenders institute, who dreams of freedom. He is allowed out at weekends but his rebellious streak puts such a privilege at risk, and he begins to contemplate escape. The opening scene gives away the ending, in a similar way to the feature film Carlito's Way (1993). It also reminds me of Johnny Cash's The Wall. The production values, directing, cinematography and acting are all superb, as is the whole mise-en-scene (linguistic pun intended), with water used to denote freedom (of course not an uncommon motif with its baptismal connotations). It is paced more like a feature film (a bit slow), and I am still not a fan of the 4:3 ratio (I'm sure the filmmakers will say that this was the only way they could film on film stock); with actors routinely hitting the edge out of frame. But maybe that's just me. If you like Invincible by Vincent René-Lortie be sure to rate it and share it.

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