Written and directed by filmmaking brothers David and Sam Cutler-Kreutz, the short drama/thriller A Lien is a stressful and brilliantly made film. Knowing nothing about it, I thought perhaps the "alien" was going to be literal but maybe I'm just an idiot and the word is used more in the States. It follows an immigrant going for his right-to-remain interview with his American wife and daughter. For some reason, they are running late for the most important interview of their lives, and the stress only increases from there. I do find the conceit that the daughter is allowed in with her father a little hard to buy, while I'm also not convinced the word "lien" has even tangential relevance to the story (is it meant to relate to their daughter?). But I'm a pedant. If you like A Lien by Sam and David Cutler-Kreutz be sure to rate it and share it!