Post-it Love, written and directed by British duo Simon Atkinson & Adam Townley (thus Si & Ad) is just about as close to perfection as you can get in a romantic short film. Like the similarly brilliant Signs (above), Post-it Love shows us two shy office workers looking for love but unable to say so overtly. There is some suspension of disbelief needed but these are romance shorts made for the silver screen!
The horror short film It Crawled In Through The Window has been selected as a finalist in the 14th FILMSshort Competition. Nicole and Mark are asleep when something crawls in through their bedroom window. It is now apparently in their living room. But what is it and what does it want? Mark glimpsed it but struggles to put it into words what he saw. As their fear grows, the unknown entity comes closer... but how will this nightmare end?
Kiwi! was created as part of Dony Permed's masters degree at The School of Visual Arts, New York, and has garnered Permed more than 35 million hits on YouTube. Animators often create shorts without dialouge and this tendency - whatever the reason - means that their films will often appeal to a wider, global audience. In Kiwi! we find the eponymous flightless bird preparing to fulfil the dream of a lifetime. Permed contines to make short animations.
A man has found an churchyard oasis in the city, allowing him to eat his lunchtime sandwich in solitude. However, a female office worker has come across the little-known churchyard, and, unaware of the man's presence, wants to use its privacy to do some sunbathing. The woman removes her blouse, but is stopped from going further by a sign. In order to prevent a repetition, the man decides to take action that evening. What will happen when the two descend on the churchyard the next day?