Goosebumps are guaranteed in this amazing stop-motion animation short film. Foxed! won many awards on the international festival circuit before finally being made available online. Made as a proof-of-concept for a feature film, Foxed! tells the story of Emily, a little girl who has been kidnapped by evil foxes and forced to work in an underground mine. When she sees a chance to escape, she makes a run for it. But what horrors await her when she reaches home?
The short comedy Fred, a fantastic computer animation, was a winner in the FILMSshort competition. Fred tells the story of two ingenious mice, a wedge of cheese and a feline called Fred. The highly-skilled mice come up with a cunning plan to get past the sleeping Fred but they unfortunately wake him. Fred mistakes their attempts to bypass him as an invitation to dance. And Fred has some moves!
The Present is a tear-jerking animation that did very well on the festival circuit. It was Frey's graduation film from the famous Baden-Wurttemberg Film Academy in Germany, and is based on a comic strip by Brazilian artist Fabio Coala Cavalcanti. n an effort to get her son to play outside, his mother has bought him a present: a puppy. However, the puppy is missing a leg and the boy is disgusted by it. Will the lovable dog be able to win him over? And why is he so disgusted by the dog's disability anyway?
Cooped, a fantastic hand-drawn animation, was selected as the Best Short Animation in the 10th competition. Written and directed by American Mike A Smith, Cooped is a comic animation that tells the story of a poor dog that is stuck inside all day while his master is at work. The hound can see the amazing world of squirrels and tennis balls that exists outisde his place of imprisonment, but is unable to open the door. With his master only ever coming back to sleep, it seems that our canine hero will never get out...