Written and directed by American filmmaker Winnie Cheung, Albatross Soup was nominated for the Grand Jury Prize at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival. It takes its audio from a group of fifty Americans trying to work out the answer to this riddle: "a man walks off a boat. He walks into a restaurant, orders the albatross soup. He takes one bite, pulls out a gun and kills himself." The psychedelic images visualise their thought processes as they attempt to solve it, guided by the man who has set the question (it is hard to work out without some help). However, it seems to take them an inordinate amount of time to work out that the ingredient in the soup is of some import. It is certainly visually engaging and reminds me of If The Cuckoo Don't Cry. If you like Albatross Soup by Winnie Cheung be sure to rate it and share it.