Written by Vladimir Krasilnikov and directed by Antonin Niclass, two students at the UK's famous NFTS, Don't Feed The Pigeons won the Short Animation BAFTA in 2022. It is set in a coach station in the middle of the night, where a varied assortment of travellers wait in silence while the pigeons go about their business. When the pigeons take flight in a display that inspires awe in the humans, there is a momentary connection between them. The animation is, of course, awesome and there are some nice moments but the story is perhaps a little limited - as is often the case with the BAFTA winner. It seems that those who vote for the BAFTA prize are NFTS alumni (their students often win) more interested in the animation technique than the story. If you like Don't Feed The Pigeons by Antonin Niclass be sure to rate it and share it.