Written and directed by French Canadian filmmaker Jeremy Comte, Fauve (Wildcat) played at many major short film festivals, winning a fair number of awards. It is easy to see why and one would be surprised if it is not nominated for an Oscar in 2019 (UPDATE: it was nominated for an Oscar!). Although everything about it is wonderful, the acting of the two leads really is astonishing. It follows two fairly feral kids who wander onto a massive surface mine in a sparsely populated part of Canada. However, in seeking to avoid being seen by a delivery truck, they find themselves in a sort of quicksand at the bottom of one of the pits. Still messing about, will they realise the danger they are in before something serious happens? Fauve translates as Wildcat, but because it has other meanings in French, including a colour, Comte prefers to use the original title rather than translate it. If you like Wildcat (Fauve) by Jeremy Comte be sure to rate it and share it.