Written and directed by brothers Basil and Rashad Al-Safar, The Jigsaw has added FILMSshort's Best BAME Short Film Award to those it garnered on the festival circuit. It is a classic horror short film with a sting in its tail. The Jigsaw tells the story of an ageing loner who insists on buying a jigsaw despite there being no picture of what it will be and the shopkeeper warning him it always ends up back in the store. When the elderly gentleman gets it to his remote coastal house, he quickly gets to work on it. However, it soon becomes apparent that there is a reason why the box had no picture on it. The Jigsaw is a visually powerful film with camera movements reminiscent of M Night Shyamalan and others. If you like the awad-winning horror short The Jigsaw by Basil Al-Safarand Rashad Al-Safar, be sure ot rate it and share it.