Though set in New York, Pixels is an example of the best from Europe and France. French filmmaker Patrick Jean had made several short animations before hitting the big time with Pixels. Adam Sandler (The Wedding Singer) liked it so much that he struck a deal with Jean to turn his simple, high-concept idea into a Ghostbusters-like action comedy. Pixels sees New York invaded by a bunch of classic 8-bit creatures (such as Donkey Kong and Pac-Man).
Written and directed by the British pairing of Phil Sansom and Olly Williams, The Black Hole is a deceptively simple story that places a fantastical discovery in a mundane world. Charlie, a tired office-woker, is will xerox something life-changing: the black hole. Unfortunately, his instinct to use it for quick personal gain will backfire somewhat. This film appears several times on this site - it's pretty cool and here it acts as an example of the best found in Britain.
Written and directed by Jamin Winans, Spin is one of those drama short films that prove you can be a little bit differnt. Winans employs his love of music (he is also the film's composer) in this simple tale of an angel-like DJ who is sent down to put right an everyday situation that is going wrong and ending in trajedy. With no dialogue and plenty of sly humor, Spin is one of those near-perfect short films. I use it as an example of the best coming out of America.
Russian animator Konstantin Bronzit was nominated for an Academy Award in 2009 with his simple, hand-drawn animated film, Lavatory Lovestory. But in 2004 he created this truly brilliant computer animation. A bronze statue of the Hindu deity, Shiva, the personifaction of calm, is irritated by a pesky fly and comes to life in order to rid himself of it. But in his increasingly frustated attempts, Shiva causes himself more and more problems until...