Wonder was a hit on the film festival circuit, including at Berlin International Film Festival. It was made over a full 365 days, with the Mizue hand-drawing 8760 pictures (one picture for every hour of the year). Although made in a different medium, it is reminiscent - and has the mesmeric qualities - of the BAFTA winning animation, The Bead Game, by Ishu Pate. It is pretty psychedelic.
If you have any idea what is going on in this somehwat experimental animation, please let me know. In Echo, a man appears to escape a flood on a dog-like creature, then finds a new and strange civilization that worships a pseudo deity. Is that right? Is it a comment on religion? Humanity? The need to conform? Honestly, I think it may be a little bit to arcane for my tastes but the Berlin selectors obviously liked it.
The experimental Seven Days In The Wood (Sju Dagar I Skogen) was animated by Larsson and Rasmus R Streith. It feels a little like a David Lynch film with its eerie, evocative sounds and visuals. I honestly cannot see a narrative but I am not sure that was the intention of the creators. It was nominated for a Golden Bear in 2011, showing a long held inclination from the Berlin jury towards experimentation.